Saturday 18 December 2010

Number 7: Wagashi 和菓子

During one of my weekly Japanese lessons I was given a selection of Wagashi (和菓子). These are a traditional Japanese confectionery served with tea.

Along with the tea, instead of a plate or dish, Wagashi are served on a piece of paper called Washi (和紙).

You can read more about the tradition and history of Wagashi on Wikipedia here.

The Wagashi are not too sweet but are certainly delicious.

The swirly grey I think is "Rakugan" (落雁) . It is hard with a powdery texture not unlike Britains "Love Hearts". The peach coloured leaf is possibly "Youkan " (羊羹). It has a hardened jelly texture and is a little sweeter than the Rakugan.

The others were not mine to eat. But other members of the class assure me that they were equally delicious.

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