Tuesday 14 December 2010

Number 3: Espresso Melonpan

I am a big coffee drinker and I quite like the occasional Espresso. So when I saw Espresso Melonpan at my local supermarket I grabbed one and took it home so fast I forgot what I originally went shopping for.

Unfortunately though Espresso and Melonpan do not mix. Not one bit. It's bitter (as should be expected) but so much so that the sheer taste of the melonpan is lost completely.
The bitterness overpowers what should be a rich Espresso flavour, and completely drowns the taste of the cream in the centre.

I'd give this one a miss if I were you.
Espresso Melonpan tastes like a cattle prod to the face.

Sorry there is no photo. I took one but the memory card has become locked and useless and won't save any new photo's. Useless Sandisk cr*p. I bought it in England so of course it will probably catch fire soon.

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