Saturday 18 December 2010

Number 6: Melon & Melon

I found this while returning from a Job interview in Ueno. At the station is a nice little AM/PM store with the usual variety of breads, sweets and drinks. But this MelonPan stood out like a sore thumb.

Not surprisingly it delivered everything it promised on the label. Melon & Melon.

While this MelonPan does not have the usual Melon segmented cross hatching on top, it fully made up for it with it's taste. The Melon topping is a little wet and lacks sugar. It's not as crisp as some. But it's perfectly acceptable due to it's full flavour.

Inside the bread lies a pocket of MelonJam. I love MelonPan with filling ^-^
The Jam is not too sweet, and lends the bread enough moisture to keep it from being a chore to eat, saving your jaw valuable chewing action.

At only 125円 I see no reason not to get on the train and go get another one now....hey....maybe I'll see you there. ^-^

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