Thursday 26 April 2012

Number 19: Maccha Milk Jam

If there's one food that fights against melonpan for top place on my taste buds It's Maccha. Maccha is powdered green tea and quite bitter as a drink. But, mix it up a little with milk, chocolate, bread, cream or anything else you can think of, and it instantly becomes delicious.

From St.Cousair I came across a pile of Maccha Milk Jam pots. Although a little expensive I couldn't resist and bought a pot to try. I haven't been disappointed. This is well worth the money.

The taste is smooth and not too sweet, making it a perfect accompaniment to anything. My first trial was with the old favorite: Toast. Second: crackers. Third: sandwiched between two biscuits and fourth: out of the jar with a spoon. Nothing is too good for this one.

I'm thinking next it might make a welcome accompaniment to some chicken. (Worked with both Nutella and chocolate. Seriously... Nutella and chicken sandwiches are amazing.)

I would fully recommend this to any Maccha fan. It's exactly the right mix of maccha and milk to create that smooth and sticky dream you've been waiting for.

Go know you want to.

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