Monday 18 June 2012

Number 20: Raspberry Kit-Kat

With so many flavors of kit-Kat to chose from, it can be easy to miss some of the simpler tastes. While the UK has only a few basic kit-Kat flavors, around the world there are hundreds.

Recently I found a flavor I think most Brits would welcome: Raspberry.

I have to say that the first taste was actually better than the second. This kit-Kat has the unusual property of getting worse the more you eat it; a direct opposite of the cheese kit-kats from last year.

While the raspberry taste isn't too bad, it quickly takes on a slightly chemical nuance and somewhat spoils that first hit.

But, only slightly. This won't stop me from buying a few more packs before they go out of season. If you get a chance, try them. They are pretty good.