Saturday 10 December 2011

Number 17: Melon Cereal

I was extremely surprised to see this Melon cereal at my local Papas store. In England we have the bog standard cornflakes and choco-flakes etc. But melon is surprisingly unpopular as a flavour.

I have no idea why though. These taste great! With the exception of the melon flavouring though, they are pretty much identical to cornflakes, so there is little to say about them. They are not too sweet, but flavourful enough to make them superior to any other, and a perfect way to start my morning.

While the melon version is certainly my favourite, they also come in chocolate or pancake (hotcake) flavour, the latter also being very nice.

Sunday 4 December 2011

I have a confession:

I love Melonpan. I love Melon Soda. I love melon ice cream and candy and biscuits and chocolates and toothpaste. I love melon cornflakes (blog soon) and even the sultry, sweet, intoxicating aroma of Melon based goods.

I love the look of melon, the shape and color. The innumerable melon toys and plushies and patterned everythings.

I love melon in all it's wonderful shapes, merchandise and forms. Except...

...actually...I don't like real melon.
It's too wet and diluted.

Just needed to get that off my chest.
Thank you for reading.

Number 16: Melon Kit-Kat

Undoubtedly the greatest of all the Kit-Kat family is the Melon verity. I finally got my hands on a pack with the aid of a student living in both Hokkaido and Tokyo.

The flavor is perfect and does not disappoint the tongue. But not just the flavor. Let's not forget about the equally pleasing aroma that bounds forth from the package even before opening.

Only one problem caused me trouble with this kit-Kat: It's too small and too far away for daily purchase.

Number 15: Life

Recently a new supermarket named "Life" opened near my town stocking what has turned out to be one of the top Melonpan I have tried so far.
Baked fresh in-store, they were found by my mother in law and quickly bagged up.

The two flavors here are chocolate and melon. Both share the same light, soft texture which almost melts in the mouth. The bread is mixed with flavor giving it a slightly speckled look inside, and he topping is just sweet enough to be desert without being too rich or sickening.

The topping is quite crumbly and sticky but, like the bread, is full of flavor.

Naturally I found the melon one the more pleasing of the two, and bought a further pack of 4 today. Though the chocolate version is by no means disappointing.